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Part of defensive driving is preparedness.  Part of preparedness is having the right items in your vehicle when roadside emergencies happen to help you get back on the road safely or shelter in your vehicle while you wait for assistance. While driver improvement and defensive driving courses teach essential skills to avoid accidents, you might […]


One essential driving skill is learning how to drive in the rain. Water on the road changes the physics of driving, making tires lose traction and stopping more difficult. Heavy rain, snow, and fog make it difficult to see other vehicles or obstacles in time to avoid a collision. These tips for driving in heavy […]

Lane shifter lights with traffic and sidewalk closed sign for construction

Road construction zones in Texas present unique challenges to drivers, including narrow lanes, heavy equipment, slow-moving vehicles, and uneven or missing pavement. Gravel on the roadway and even various equipment present a hazard to drivers and road construction workers in Texas work zones. Traffic fines double in construction or maintenance zones in Texas, and there […]