TicketSchool > Courses > Texas Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Online Course (DADAP) > Uses for Texas DADAP

Our Texas Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program (DADAP) is a six-hour first of its kind awareness course that was previously approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). In June of 2023, the program became deregulated as a result of legislative changes. Our course is offered 100% online and is a great alternative to traditional classroom-based DADAP or alcohol awareness courses.

The Texas DADAP for Court and Judge Orders

Many courts across Texas accept DADAP for a variety of different drug or alcohol related offenses. These offenses are specified under the following Texas Penal Codes: Section 49.02, Section 106.02, Section 106.025, Section 106.04, Section 106.041, Section 106.05, and Section 106.07. The offenses may include the following:

  • Misrepresentation of age by a minor
  • Possession of alcohol by a minor (MIP)
  • Attempted purchase alcohol by a minor
  • Purchase of alcohol by a minor
  • Public Intoxication by a minor
  • Consumption of alcohol by a minor
  • Driving or operating watercraft under the influence of alcohol by a minor

If you have been ordered by a Texas court or judge to attend a 6-hour alcohol or drug awareness program, our online Texas DADAP may qualify. However before you enroll in the course please check with the court or judge who issued the order to ensure that this course applies for your offense.

Texas DADAP to Qualify for an Insurance Discount

Ticket School’s Texas DADAP course is designed to educate drivers about the dangers of intoxicated driving while also promoting safer driving behavior in general. Because this helps reduce collisions and increase driver safety, some auto insurance providers offer an auto insurance discount to encourage policyholders to take the course. This discount is a great way to save money on your insurance premiums while also learning important safety information. However, before enrolling in the Texas DADAP please check with your insurance provider to determine whether or not they offer this discount and whether or not you are eligible for it.