Our Blogs
Why Should I Take the Texas Defensive Driving Course Online?

The Texas Defensive Driving course is loaded with benefits for Texas drivers, and Ticket School has developed a 100% online version of the Texas Defensive Driving course. Here’s why you should take our course online. You Can Get Your Ticket Dismissed Getting a traffic ticket is an unpleasant process for Texas drivers and brings with […]
How to Handle a Speeding Ticket

Being stopped for speeding can lead to panic. The source of the panic is typically the stress of knowing that you are about to have some associated costs (ticket cost, possible insurance rate increases, etc.). If you haven’t ever received a ticket, or it has been a number of years, you may not realize that […]
Simple Guide for Getting Your Florida Learner’s License

In order to start the process of getting your Florida learner’s permit, you must: Be between 15 years and 17 years of age. Pass vision and hearing tests. Complete a drug and alcohol course (TLSAE). Provide the documents required. Pass the learner’s permit test. These are the steps to follow to secure permission to drive […]
How to Transfer Your Driver’s License to Texas as a New Resident
How to Choose a Defensive Driving Course That’s Right for You

Staying safe behind the wheel is one of the main concerns most drivers have. If you want to avoid auto accidents, then you need to work on improving your skills as a driver. One of the most effective ways to accomplish this goal is taking a defensive driving course. Defensive driving classes are designed to […]
How to Safely Stop Your Car in Different Weather

Changing weather conditions pose a danger to new drivers who have not had time to develop defensive driving habits that include changing how they stop a vehicle. Experienced drivers might have driving habits that put them at a disadvantage when the road conditions suddenly change beneath their tires. These tips on how to stop in […]
How to Park a Car Properly

If you are a new driver, learning how to park properly can be one of the biggest challenges in passing a road test. But even if you have been driving for years, there might be tips and tricks to help you with parking in new kinds of parking structures and defensive driving strategies for entering […]
How to Get a Florida Hardship License

If your driving privileges have been suspended or revoked in the State of Florida, you may be eligible to apply for a Florida hardship license that will allow you to drive for specific purposes like work or school. There are guidelines you must follow to apply for a hardship license in Florida, and not everyone […]
How Long Is a Defensive Driving Course Online?

There are so many reasons to take a defensive driving course online. You might be looking for a discount on your insurance premium or a way to study safe driving skills, seeking ticket dismissal, or be court ordered to complete a defensive or driver improvement course to keep your driver license. One thing you might […]