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Car and traffic cones, driving school concept.

Taking a Texas defensive driving course online is a convenient option. With an internet connection, you can meet state requirements and learn how to drive safely using engaging interactive materials. At Ticket School, we have available a 100% online defensive driving class. These are some of its benefits: Lower Your Insurance Costs Depending on your […]

lyft and uber stickers

Over the years, there has been a wide range of different organizations and unions that help workers achieve better working conditions, benefits, and other such things that can be difficult to accomplish on your own. The New York Independent Drivers Guild is one such organization that has been helping for-hire independent drivers. Who Can Join […]

Policeman in uniform writes fine to female driver

If you ask most drivers if they think they are great drivers, they will tell you “Yes.” However, even though someone might think they are the best driver on the road, this is definitely not the case all the time. Some drivers speed. Other drivers get easily distracted and get into car crashes. Then there […]