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How to park a car properly feature image

If you are a new driver, learning how to park properly can be one of the biggest challenges in passing a road test. But even if you have been driving for years, there might be tips and tricks to help you with parking in new kinds of parking structures and defensive driving strategies for entering […]

Car and traffic cones, driving school concept.

Taking a Texas defensive driving course online is a convenient option. With an internet connection, you can meet state requirements and learn how to drive safely using engaging interactive materials. At Ticket School, we have available a 100% online defensive driving class. These are some of its benefits: Lower Your Insurance Costs Depending on your […]


Part of defensive driving is preparedness.  Part of preparedness is having the right items in your vehicle when roadside emergencies happen to help you get back on the road safely or shelter in your vehicle while you wait for assistance. While driver improvement and defensive driving courses teach essential skills to avoid accidents, you might […]