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Distracted driving isn’t just about missing your turn. It can have serious, sometimes fatal consequences. Anything that takes your attention from the road can put you at risk. It has become a major focus that any traffic school will emphasize in its training. It isn’t limited to just texting. Distracted driving could mean anything from […]

Road rage infects the most unlikely people. Behind the wheel of a four-ton vehicle, the meekest person can become a terror. Maybe they’ve had a bad day. Maybe they were born with a short fuse. Whatever the reason, they lose their senses and become a menace to other drivers.   Of course, we’ve all felt […]

Tips for Parents of New Drivers

Being the parent of a new driver can be a very trying time. In addition to worrying about the safety risks your child faces while behind the wheel, there are also numerous legal responsibilities and costs involved. However, there are things you can do to make the process less overwhelming for you and your child. […]

Accident Prevention

Ticket School’s New York Accident Prevention Course is designed to benefit all New York drivers, but new drivers in particular can benefit. That is because the course is convenient to take and fits easily into even the most hectic of schedules. Plus the course provides insurance saving opportunities that are especially beneficial to new drivers […]

Virginia Smartphone Course

The Virginia Defensive Driving Course offered by Ticket School can be taken conveniently from your smartphone! This gives Ticket School customers the freedom to work on their course anywhere and at any time! Let’s take a closer look at what the Virginia Defensive Driving Course is and why it might be taken, the advantages of […]