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Angry driver in his car

Road rage is a growing problem everywhere, including Florida. However, road rage in Florida today is a larger problem than in any other state.  Since 2014 Florida leads the nation in the number of road rage incidents.   The most likely cause is an ever growing population in the state.  When there are more people that […]

Share The Road

As a driver, it is important to be aware that there are other people out there, and you need to share the road with them, including motorcycles, cyclists, and pedestrians. You need to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times to avoid getting into a crash. To reinforce the importance of defensive […]

Distracted teenager driving a car with his cell phone in his hand

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of teenage car crashes caused by distracted driving in Texas. According to the C.R.I.S. Query Database from the Texas Department of Transportation, the number of crashes involving teens and drivers under the age of 21 was 211,803 and included these causes from 2017:1 Speeding […]

infographic ticketschool june2019

Completing a Texas defensive driving online course is beneficial in several different situations. For starters, you may benefit from completing the course if the court or magistrate allows you to do so to have a traffic ticket dismissed. Traffic ticket dismissal also prevents points from being added to your driver license. It is a good […]

angry man driving the car

In Texas, driving aggressively can lead to all sorts of problems. You could get speeding tickets, moving violation tickets, get into car crashes, and potentially lose your driver license. Your insurance rates can increase as well as surcharges from the DMV as you rack up points on your driver license. Aggressive driving has become more […]

man typing text message while driving a car

Texting while driving in Florida is already illegal, but only a secondary offense. To be charged with this moving violation, police must have stopped you for another type of driving offense, such as speeding. To make texting while driving a primary offense, House Bill 107 was created. The bill recently passed the Florida House and […]