The Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) Course offers important benefits for people who are facing serious driving-related traffic offenses in the state of Florida. Anyone who is looking to possibly gain a hardship license, get a license following a suspension, meet a requirement after being labeled an HTO (Habitual Traffic Offender), or fulfill the requirements of a court order can benefit from taking a Florida ADI course. However, beyond the benefits of the course itself, there is extra added value to taking a Florida ADI course through Ticket School. Let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of Ticket School’s Florida ADI course.
The Florida ADI Course Through Ticket School Is Entirely Online
When you decide to complete the ADI course online with Ticket School, you will never have to set foot inside an actual classroom. This means you will not have to deal with a long commute trying to get to your class, a trip likely made more difficult due to an already suspended license. Instead you can take the Florida ADI course offered through Ticket School in the privacy and comfort of your own home on a schedule that is most convenient to you. The online nature of the course will also help save you money on public transportation or the hassle of arranging a ride through family or friends, as well as the time and stress of sitting in traffic.
The Florida ADI Course Through Ticket School Is Compatible With Mobile Devices
Taking the Florida ADI course online is convenient and offers a great deal more freedom compared to a classroom setting. However, the Florida ADI course through Ticket School adds even more freedom and convenience by offering the course on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops as well as desktop computers. This allows people taking the ADI course to work on it whenever they have some spare time, regardless of where they are or whether or not they have access to a traditional desktop or laptop computer.
Florida ADI through Ticket School Features a Downloadable Enrollment Letter
Many people depend on their driver’s license to get to work and earn a living or because they are the primary caregiver to someone else. Such people may not have other transportation options and even a few weeks without a license can be disastrous. For this reason the Florida DHSMV offers a hardship license to such individuals as long as they are enrolled in a driver improvement course like the Florida ADI course. Ticket School offers a fast, easy-to-download enrollment letter for the ADI course that course takers can use to quickly begin the process of applying for a hardship license.
All courses offered by TicketSchool.com are state-approved, so you never have to worry about a class you take, including the Florida ADI course, not fulfilling a requirement. Additionally, there is 24/7 availability, so any time of day and any day of week you want to work on your coursework, you have the option to do so. Many customers prefer the format offered through the online program, so even if you have never taken a class over the internet before, now is as good a time as any to start by visiting our Florida ADI registration page.