What is the fastest way to get a hardship license in Florida if your driver’s license has been suspended? Take the most direct route to restore necessary driving privileges and get back to work or school faster with online options to complete your requirements.
There are many reasons your driver’s license can be suspended in Florida, but one of the most common is a first DUI or simply accumulating too many points on your driving record from multiple traffic violations. Are you eligible for a Florida hardship license? A Florida Administrative Reviews Office can let you know if you are eligible, but you must first download the Florida Hardship License application form to get the process started. The application form contains a wealth of information about the process and most importantly contains the list of Admin Review offices with phone numbers and emails. You can contact them to schedule a hardship hearing and to determine what course you may need to complete.
You will see on the application form that you must select if you completed an Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course or a DUI course. In some cases you only need to have enrolled in the course and provide an enrollment letter at the time of your hardship hearing and then will usually be given another deadline to have your completion reported to the DHSMV . At Ticket School we offer a Florida DHSMV approved 12 hour ADI course online. If it is determined that you need the ADI course, then we can help you with your goal of a Florida hardship license faster than you thought possible!
Enroll with Ticket School to get the proof of class registration, complete the application form and then schedule your hearing to apply for your hardship license in Florida. NOTE: Some drivers must have completed the course prior to the hearing, but it depends on their situation.