These days just about everyone is overbooked and struggling to fit more time into their schedules, which can make completing the Florida Drug and Alcohol Course in a traditional classroom setting very challenging. For example, teenagers who are coming to the age where they are first eligible for a driver license usually have school commitments as well as extracurricular activities, and often part-time jobs to balance. Meanwhile, parents and working professionals, who may need or want to take the Florida Drug and Alcohol course for a variety of reasons, are also typically juggling an array of demands on their time. Even older individuals who are retired may find it challenging to get out of the house or get down to a classroom at a predefined time. Fortunately, Ticket School’s Florida Drug and Alcohol Course can be taken completely online, without ever having to leave the house.
Use Whatever Device Is Convenient
Our online Florida Drug and Alcohol Course allows you to log in and work on the course from any device that has an internet connection. This is ideal for people with busy schedules who are never in one place for very long. This is also a great benefit for first-time drivers who are required to take the course before being eligible to get their permit/license, or for those who have had their licenses suspended or revoked and need to complete the Drug and Alcohol course to get their licenses back. Transportation issues disappear when you can work on the course on any device in the comfort of your own home.
Complete the Drug and Alcohol Course at Any Time
Ticket School’s Florida Drug and Alcohol Course also allows you to study whenever it is convenient for you — on the weekends, evenings, or even late at night! You don’t have to worry about classes conflicting with events in your schedule, because you set the schedule. If you want to complete part of the course in the morning, then tackle another section in the evening, you are free to do so. You can even work on the course at home before you leave for the day, before bed, or whenever you have time between activities.
You Decide How Long the Classes Are
Some people learn better in short bursts, while others prefer marathon study sessions. The online Florida Drug and Alcohol Course is also fully customizable in this way. You can complete the course in several short sessions, or finish the whole thing if you have a free afternoon. In addition to maximizing convenience, this method also maximizes the student’s ability to learn because he or she does not feel rushed to complete the course.
Pace Your Learning
The Drug and Alcohol Course must be completed by the time you apply for your driver’s license, or by the date specified by a court or judge; however, beyond this basic timeline you are free to set your pace to complete the course. Our Drug and Alcohol Course doesn’t have a time limit in which it has to be completed. If you sign up for the course and then find yourself busy with other commitments, you can set the course aside and complete it when you have more time.
Get Instant Feedback
The Drug and Alcohol Course ends with a test that you must pass in order to complete. You can complete this test online at the end of the course and receive your score instantly after submitting it. After completion of the test and course, you may also need to take a Florida Driver License Test of the basic road signs and road rules. Ticketschool.com offers this test as well. Register today!