At Ticket School we provide a comprehensive range of driving related courses and tests to our Florida customers. Some courses such as the Florida Drug and Alcohol course (TLSAE) and the Florida Learner’s Permit Test are primarily taken by new drivers; whereas our Florida Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course is a great option for experienced drivers who received a moving violation and want to keep points off their driving record. However, we are also committed to helping drivers who have had more ongoing or significant problems with driving offenses. Let’s take a look at how Ticket School’s Florida 12 hour traffic school course can help Habitual Traffic Offenders (HTOs) meet their legal requirements and get their driver licenses back.
What Are Habitual Traffic Offenders (HTOs)?
The term Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) is a designation given by the state of Florida to drivers who accumulate fifteen convictions for moving violations (Ex: speeding, running a red light or stop sign, illegal lane changes, reckless driving, etc.) within a five-year period.
In addition to accumulating fifteen moving violations in a five-year period, Florida drivers may also be designated HTOs if they are convicted of three or more of the following major driving-related offenses:
- Vehicular manslaughter
- DUIs
- Committing a felony while using a motor vehicle
- Driving with a suspended license or a revoked license
- Leaving the scene of a serious accident without offering aid
- Illegally driving a commercial motor vehicle
Florida drivers who have been deemed HTOs will have their licenses revoked for five years. The designation of Habitual Traffic Offenders is set forth in Florida state law under §322.264.
How Can Ticket School Help HTOs?
Once you are designated an HTO your license will be revoked for five years unless you are able to get one or more of the underlying convictions removed. Be sure to contact an attorney right away if you believe this may be possible. If it is not possible to contest your HTO designation then your license will be revoked for five years. However, after one year with the HTO classification you will be eligible to apply for a Florida Hardship License and that is where Ticket School can help.
In order to be eligible for a Florida Hardship License you must first enroll in a Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course, which is a 12 hour course designed to help HTOs and others with serious driving offenses recognize and correct their problem behavior. When you apply for a Florida Hardship License you must include your ADI enrollment letter along with your application. Fortunately, Ticket School makes it easy for you to get your ADI enrollment letter as quickly as possible. Upon registering for this 12 hour traffic school you will receive an electronic copy of the enrollment letter which you can then print and use immediately. You will of course still need to complete the course within the allotted time.
For more information about the Florida 12 hour traffic school course available through Ticket School please visit our Florida ADI course page, our ADI what to expect page, and our ADI questions and answers page.
At Ticket School we understand the major toll a revoked driver license can take on a person’s life. The Florida Hardship License is a limited license that will allow you to drive to and from work, but will not permit you to drive for personal purposes. Ticket School wants to make the process of completing your Florida 12 hour advanced driver improvement course as easy and convenient as possible. Please visit our ADI Course Benefits page to learn more about the great features and benefits Ticket School provides for this course.