TicketSchool > Florida Hardship License

Having a suspended or revoked license is a major life disruption that can seriously impact a person’s ability to work and provide for their families. Fortunately, for Florida drivers there may be a solution that allows them limited driving privileges while they are waiting for their full licenses to be reinstated: a Florida hardship license.

A Florida hardship license does not restore full driving privileges; however, it does grant limited driving privileges that can allow an eligible Florida driver to still drive on a specifically limited basis such as to and from work. In most cases when applying for a Florida hardship license you must show proof of enrollment in a state-approved Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course. This proof of enrollment usually takes the form of a printed enrollment letter.  Follow the information below to learn more.

How Do I Get My Florida Hardship License?

In order to officially make the request for a Florida Hardship license you must complete the following steps:

  1. Read, print and complete the Florida hardship license application form.  This form will be required at your hardship hearing and provides all the details on what is required (course requirements, fees, etc.).
  2. Register in our  online state-approved Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course. In most cases, as the hardship application form describes, you must enroll in (or complete if you are designated as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO)) an ADI course.  Ticket School offers this course in a 100% online format with a lowest price and money back guarantee. With our course you will be able to download and print off an electronic proof of enrollment letter (in pdf format) for no additional charge that you can provide at your hearing. Unlike some sites out there, TicketSchool does not require an additional fee to receive an ADI enrollment letter.
  3. Schedule your hearing.  When ready, you will need to contact the Florida Bureau of Administrative Review office that is closest to you via the phone number provided on the hardship application form to schedule your hearing.  If you have trouble getting assistance at one location you should try contacting one of the others on the form.  Each individual’s driving record is unique, so if you have any questions about any of the requirements for your hearing and to ensure you have everything required, we encourage you to call and ask the Administrative Review office prior to your hearing.  As the form mentions, you will need to be prepared to show your ADI enrollment letter (or DUI course if that is what they require) at the hearing. Hearings are typically done in person, however some are eligible to be done via the phone.  After reviewing your information, the hearing officer assigned to your application will make the determination of whether or not you will receive a Florida hardship license.

It is important to note that once you receive your Florida hardship license you will still need to complete the Florida Advanced Driver Improvement course that you enrolled in. If you have been classified as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), then you are required to complete your Florida ADI course before you can apply for your hardship license. You only have 90 days to complete the ADI course from the date of registration. Should you register and not complete the course, the course provider is required to report your failure to complete to the state. For this reason, it is important that if you not forget to complete the course, whether you turned in your enrollment letter or not.

How Do I Know if I’m Eligible for a Florida Hardship License?

Generally if your license has been suspended or revoked due to having accumulated too many traffic ticket points on your Florida license then you are likely eligible to apply for a Florida hardship license. Your are also likely eligible to apply for a Florida hardship license if you have been court- or judge-ordered to attend a Florida ADI course.

Those classified as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) by the Florida DHSMV are also generally eligible to apply for a Florida hardship license; however, these drivers must complete the Florida ADI course before applying.

Who Is Not Eligible For a Florida Hardship License?

There are exceptions to who is eligible for a Florida hardship license. Some drivers who are not eligible for a hardship license include the following:

  • Drivers whose licenses have been suspended because they are not capable of safely operating a motor vehicle. This is a one-year suspension by the DHSMV.
  • Drivers with a DUI conviction. This suspension is usually between 180 days to one year. However, DUI offenders who have successfully completed their DUI course and who have completed a treatment program if applicable, may then be eligible to apply for a Florida hardship license.

Please note that the Florida ADI course is not a DUI class. Please do not sign up for the Florida ADI course if you have been ordered to attend a DUI class.

Ticket School’s Florida ADI course is fully state approved and it is designed to help drivers complete their course requirements so that they can have their licenses reinstated or to receive a Florida hardship license while they are awaiting full reinstatement. Please visit our Florida ADI course page for more information or register now.