Having a driver’s license and being able to drive a motor vehicle are privileges in the state of Texas. In order to obtain a driver’s license, a person must be a resident of the state. They must also review all current Texas traffic laws and driving laws.
The minimum age a person can apply for a driver’s license in Texas is age 15, as long as they have completed driver education or the equivalent traffic school online courses. In some cases, applicants for drivers’ licenses could be required to take a written examination, as well as complete a driving test.
How to Apply for a Driver’s License in Texas
You must apply in person for a Texas driver’s license and submit an application. You will also be required to submit proof of Texas residence, along with other documentation required for verification. If you already have a driver’s license from another state, you must surrender that one.
How Do I Learn Texas Traffic Laws and Driving Laws?
The easiest way to learn about the current traffic laws and driving laws in Texas is by enrolling in and completing an online driver safety course. This course is designed to educate you about the current laws, and it reviews proper defensive driving habits. It is a great way to refresh your driving knowledge and skills.
Your other option is to sit down and read all eighty-plus pages of the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Texas Driver Handbook. The handbook does cover all current traffic and driving laws. However, most people are easily distracted or start skimming through sections because it is so long, and they often miss vital information they need to know.
On the other hand, the online course presents information in an easy-to-learn format using a series of text-based content, videos, graphics, and images. Not to mention, completing the course only requires covering six hours of materials at your own pace. So, you can learn the traffic and driving laws a half an hour at a time on your computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
Strange but True Texas Traffic Laws and Driving Facts
- You must set your parking brake on your vehicle anytime you get out in Denton County in the Fort Worth area.
- While do you not have to have a windshield to drive, you must have windshield wipers; otherwise, it is illegal to drive.
- If you own a horse in Texarkana and ride it at night, the horse must have tail lights.
- In Richardson, it is illegal to do a U-turn.
- It is illegal to drive within an arm’s length of alcohol—including any alcohol someone consumed—in Lubbock.
- It is illegal to drive down Broadway in Galveston before noon on Sundays.
- You cannot have any item or object protrude from your car bumper unless it is attached with a chain.
- The fastest speeding ticket issued was in Houston for someone going 242 mph in a 75-mph zone.
- 331 speeding tickets were issued to drivers in Sutton County in 2014 who were driving 100 mph or faster.
While Texas does have similar traffic laws found in other states, it certainly has a few unique ones you will need to know.
To learn more about completing a defensive driving course online in Texas to learn traffic and driving laws, or for registration assistance, please feel free to contact Ticket School at 1-800-558-9887 today!