An online defensive driving course is one of the easiest and safest ways to complete a state-approved course from the safety and comfort of your home. You don’t have to worry about wearing a face mask to go out in public or be concerned about being exposed to COVID-19. All the course content is online and accessible 24/7 from just about any device.
Aside from keeping yourself safe during the COVID-19 crisis, other reasons for taking an online driver safety course include:
1. You can learn at your own pace.
There are no schedules to worry about, set deadlines, or set amounts of time to complete lessons. Rather, you do have a cut-off end date—typically 180 days—by which you must complete the entire course before it is shut off and access is suspended. The only deadline is if you have one for a court to turn in your certificate.
2. You can repeat the lessons as often as you want.
You have a full 180 days to review and repeat lessons as much as you want. If you want to review sections or go back over the content you do not fully understand, you can.
3. There are no final exams to worry about.
Another great reason for an online driver safety course is that most of them don’t have a final exam. Some states require one, but the vast majority do not. As you complete each section of the online course, there is a review of the material and a quiz at the end of each section. If you don’t pass the quiz you are typically given the option to go back and review before attempting again. (H2) 4. Online driving courses are fun and engaging.
Instead of having to read a book and study material from that book—or listen to someone lecture for what can seem like a lifetime—you are presented with material in videos, animated graphics, pop-up questions, and other fun and engaging learning methods. Most of the online content is in color too!
5. You can get a reduction in points on your driving record.
One reason many people take defensive driving courses online is to control the number of points that are on their records, so they do not lose their licenses or have to worry about increase insurance premiums. Some states won’t count a certain number of points when calculating penalties if you complete a course. Keep in mind, the points may still be there, depending on your state, but will be “hidden” until they fall off the license.
6. You may qualify for an insurance premium discount.
Some states like New York offer a required insurance premium discount for three years for anyone who successfully completes a defensive driving course. The discount can be as much as 10% of your insurance premium. At the end of the 3-year period, you can take the online course again and requalify for another three years of insurance premium discounts.
7. You could have a traffic violation ticket dismissed.
Some states and/or courts will dismiss a traffic violation ticket if you complete a state-approved defensive driving course. So, instead of having to pay a fine or trying to fight the ticket, you can simply have it dismissed like it never happened.
8. You can become a better and safer driver.
One of the best reasons to complete an online defensive driving course is to become a better and safer driver. When you know how to drive defensively, you are helping reduce the risks of car crashes and keeping yourself and others safer.
Ready to start your state-approved online driving course? Enroll today at Ticket School! You may also call us at (800) 558-9887 if you have further questions or need help choosing the right online courses.