For Texas citizens, there’s no better way to alleviate insurance prices or drug and alcohol related driving offenses than through the online educational offered in the Texas Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program with Ticket School. This program is available for anyone interested in partaking, and is geared towards helping Texans learn about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. The following are ten frequently asked questions regarding the DADAP program.
What is the DADAP?
The Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program is a six-hour educational course related to increasing awareness about the inherent dangers of drug and alcohol use, including their impact on the driving task. The course can be accessed at any time and does not need to be finished in one sitting. The site provides 180 days after your initial registration to complete, which gives you plenty of flexibility and leeway for when and how you decide to engage and complete the course material.
Is the DADAP fully online?
The DADAP has been designed to be completely online. There will be no in-person tests, and you won’t have to mail any material in. Quizzes and coursework are done purely through the Internet, removing the hassle of having to do more than merely work online. This also means that course materials are constantly accessible every hour of every day and every day of the week. You will never find that you can’t jump on and work on your Ticket School program.
How can I access the DADAP?
You can use any device with Internet access to login to your DADAP course. The DADAP is not a program-based system, so you will not have to download anything. This enables you to use technology ranging from laptops, tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers to work on the program, and you can use any combination of the above as you wish.
Will I get an auto insurance discount for doing the DADAP?
Many auto insurance agencies provide discounts for people who have completed the DADAP. You will need to contact your provider to verify the fee reduction that you may obtain, but for the most part insurance companies are open to reducing monthly prices after seeing your participation with Ticket School.
Is this an acceptable course for drug and alcohol offenses?
In Texas, DADAP is the only state-approved online drug and alcohol awareness program. It has been approved by the Texas Education Agency/Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and is included in the Alcoholic Beverage Code and Health and Safety code as an acceptable option for many drug or alcohol offenses, including Minor in Possession (MIP). You will need to check with your court and/or attorney for the acceptable course option for your particular case and state.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
There is a 90-day money back guarantee for customers dissatisfied with the program. People who have already completed the course or have a disqualified status are not eligible for the money back guarantee, but other participants have the freedom to determine whether or not they are satisfied with the value of the DADAP and to have their money returned if they are not.
What is Ticketschool.com?
Ticket School provides top-tier and state approved educational courses that are geared towards satisfying a court requirement as a result of a ticket. The Ticket School courses truly benefit its students through in-depth learning and convenient accessibility. The website has been designed to operate 100% online, to remove the often-irritating barrier of having to fulfill course requirements in person or on paper.
How can I pay for the DADAP?
Payments for the courses can come in many different forms. Debit cards and credit card payments are accepted through the website itself, as well as by fax, phone, or mail. Checks and money orders can also be utilized. In instances where you are not paying directly online with a debt or a credit card, payment must be retrieved and processed before access to the course is provided.
How can I sign up?
Signing up has been made easy through online resources. Visit TicketSchool.com to view the options for registration and to determine which program will best suit your individual needs.
Remember that a drug and alcohol awareness program is never more than just a few clicks away with the Ticket School. For residents in the state of Texas looking to cut back on their insurance bill or needing an alcohol awareness course for a particular offense, the Texas Drug and Alcohol Driving Awareness Program through Ticket School is the perfect solution.
Sign Up Today at Ticket School
At Ticket School, we offer online driving courses from several states. These include Texas, Florida, Virginia, New York, Michigan, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Missouri. After completing your course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion, which you can present to the court, state DMV, or insurance company if you got an out-of-state speeding ticket or another violation. Register online today or call (800) 558-9887 with any questions!