Are there flashing lights in your rearview mirror? When law enforcement pulls up behind you and gives you the signal to pull over, here’s how to handle yourself during the traffic stop.
Nearly every driver has been pulled over for a traffic violation, but we all wonder how to handle a traffic stop for the best possible outcome. This infographic guide will help you navigate your next nerve-racking traffic stop and may even help you get off with a warning.
What if the best tips on how to handle a traffic stop still result in a traffic ticket? In many states, Ticket School can help you keep a ticket and the associated points off your driving record with a defensive driving or driver improvement course you can take online. These courses may also help to avoid higher insurance rates and/or a suspended license down the road. If you aren’t lucky enough to get a warning and you get a ticket, the first thing to do is follow the instructions on the ticket. If taking a course is one of your options, visit our site to see if we have a course for your state.