If you’ve been charged with aggressive reckless driving in the state of Virginia, you may be required to complete a RADEP class. However, as RADEP classes are always held in person and held on a set schedule, many drivers are looking for more flexible alternatives.
Thankfully, you may be able to take an online Florida ADI course as an alternative to a RADEP class. Read on to learn more about these courses and to find out whether you’re eligible.
What Is RADEP?
The Virginia Reckless Aggressive Driver Education Program (RADEP) is a 12-hour class held for drivers with non-alcohol related reckless and aggressive driving offenses. The class is divided into two parts taken over two days.
- Part 1 (8 hours) is a traditional Virginia DMV driver improvement course that helps students learn or refresh their safe driving skills. Drivers must successfully complete this course before moving on to Part 2.
- Part 2 (4 hours) is a National Safety Council course with a special emphasis on aggressive driving, reckless driving, anger management, and road rage.
Typically, RADEP classes cannot be completed online, requiring drivers to adjust their schedules for two days to attend lengthy, in-person sessions. However, many courts and judges now allow Virginia drivers to take an online Florida ADI course instead of an in-person RADEP class.
What Is the Florida ADI Course?
Like RADEP, the Florida Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) course is a 12-hour course instructing drivers on safe driving techniques. Though the course isn’t split into parts like the RADEP class Virginia, it still covers topics including aggressive and reckless driving, road rage, and similar concepts.
While most people who take the Florida ADI course are Florida drivers with suspended licenses, anybody in the United States can enroll. Unlike RADEP, the course is held entirely online, allowing drivers to complete course requirements on their schedules. Many participating schools also offer instant enrollment and completion certificates to work around tight deadlines.
Can You Take the Florida ADI Course Instead of RADEP?
This question must be answered by the court / judge, but more and more Virginia drivers are being given the option to take a Florida ADI course online instead of the RADEP to satisfy an aggressive or reckless driving charge.
Many drivers have come to prefer online ADI courses, thanks to their online format, flexible scheduling, low cost, and engaging course materials. While many driving schools offer the ADI course, the format (and quality) can vary greatly.
Enroll Online at Ticket School!
Ticket School’s state-approved Florida ADI course is held entirely online and available 24/7 from any device. Our courses also let you log in or out at any time, allowing you to take time to focus on work, kids, and other important parts of your daily life.
We also offer FREE electronic enrollment and certificate delivery. Also offered at a low price compared to many other courses out there, the Ticket School Florida ADI course is a great way for Virginia drivers to save time and money while fulfilling their court orders.
Ready to get started? Enroll today by clicking here to register online. If you have any questions, you can call Ticket School at (800) 558-9887.