While most drivers take a defensive driving course to dismiss tickets and points, there are many more benefits than most realize. In fact, even drivers without previous traffic offenses take defensive driving courses to capitalize on these extra benefits. But are they worth taking any entire course?
Ticket dismissal and point reduction are the primary benefits of taking any defensive driving course. In most cases even after you factor in any court costs, the overall cost of taking a defensive driving course is typically less than if you paid the fine amount. If you factor in the possible point surcharges and insurance increases if you have other tickets on your record, then defensive driving courses offer an immediate savings benefit to anyone who’s been at the wrong end of a traffic violation.
Point reduction is an especially important benefit. With an excess of points on your record, you may be required to pay additional surcharges to the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). Too many points can also lead to your license becoming suspended or having your auto insurance coverage become either more expensive or dropped altogether. Thankfully, taking a defensive driving course can usually help keep these costly points off your record. It is always best and highly recommended to keep your driving record clean if at all possible.
The benefits, however, don’t stop at ticket and point reduction. While too many points can raise your auto insurance premiums, taking a defensive driving course can also lower them! With many insurance providers offering rate reductions of about 10% for up to three years, many drivers take defensive driving courses just for the insurance savings.
Ultimately, however, becoming a safer driver is worth every cent. For more information on the benefits of taking a defensive driving course, check out the infographic below or go to TicketSchool.com to enroll today! You can also call at (800) 558-9887 if you have any questions.