If you ask most drivers if they think they are great drivers, they will tell you “Yes.” However, even though someone might think they are the best driver on the road, this is definitely not the case all the time. Some drivers speed. Other drivers get easily distracted and get into car crashes. Then there are drivers who are aggressive.
As a result, speeding tickets, traffic violations, and other such tickets are issued every single day in Texas. Fortunately, for many types of traffic violations, drivers do have the option of getting permission from the court to complete a state-approved Texas defensive driving course online.
Some people may think it is just much faster to pay their tickets and have points added to their driving records. Yet, it is worth their time to consider the reasons to successfully complete a Texas defensive driving course online.
Reason #1: Point Forgiveness
In Texas, when points are added to your driving record, they remain on there for three years. As you accumulate points, your insurance rates will also increase. Furthermore, if you rack up too many points in a short period, your license can be suspended or revoked, and surcharges can be charged.
Completing an online driver safety course allows you to have the points associated with your currently pending infraction dismissed keeping your driving record clean. It is very important to keep points off your record so that you don’t run the risk of insurance increases or surcharges from the state.
Reason #2: Ticket Dismissal
Certain types of traffic violations can be dismissed with court approval in Texas and the completion of an online driving course within a specified period. Some tickets come with fines of several hundreds of dollars. Plus, you still must pay court fees, too, which could be as much as $100 or more.
By taking the six hour online defensive driving course in Texas, you can save money by not having to pay the ticket fine for your infraction. Even though you still must pay the court fees, you could potentially save a few hundred dollars.
Reason #3: Ability to Complete the Course Anywhere Anytime
Another reason to take your state-approved Texas driving course online is that you can access it from just about anywhere, anytime you want to work on it. You don’t have to take time off of work or out of your schedule to go sit in a classroom somewhere with a large group of people. You can access your online course from your smartphone, tablet, or computer!
Reason #4: Fast Certificate Delivery
Recently Texas updated its rules to allow course providers to send out completion certificates via email. This makes for unmatched convenience since you will no longer have to wait for the postal service to deliver in the customary 3-5 business days or even worse pay for an express overnight. Once the emailed certificate is received you just print it and provide it to the court to have your ticket dismissed and/or points forgiven.
If the court also requires you to provide a copy of your driving record, you can bundle this optional feature with your online course. Your driving record is sent via email as well.
Reason #5: Insurance Discount for 3 Years
One reason some people are unaware of in Texas is they can qualify for up to a 10% auto insurance premium discount with some companies for three years by passing a defensive driving course online. Even if you don’t have tickets that need dismissing or points to forgive, spending the time to complete the course could save you hundreds on car insurance!
Now that you know the reasons for completing a Texas defensive driving course online, enroll at Ticket School today! If you need help enrolling or have further questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 558-9887.