Online defensive driving courses are rapidly becoming the norm in the realm of driver education and safety programs. Whether you’re looking to decrease your auto insurance payment or you are fulfilling a state requirement, an online defensive driving course can help you save time and money. Ticket School is an example of a company following strict state standards to produce valuable educational content that serves the general public as well as more individualized cases. We believe in the importance of educating our customers, so with that goal in mind we put together the following list of top ten common questions about online defensive driving courses and their corresponding answers.
1. How “online” are online defensive driving courses?
The particulars of the online defensive driving courses, really depend on the company, as well as the state regulations. When it comes to how much of a course can be taken online, we are proud to say that with the exception of the final exam testing with our Virginia course which has to be taken in person by law, all of the Ticketschool.com courses can be completed 100% online. There is no program that needs to be downloaded or software that needs to be installed, and you merely need an account and a login to access your courses. This also means that you can get onto your course from any location, as long as your device has secure web browsing capabilities.
2. What device can I use to access my defensive driving course?
Ticket School’s courses are compatible with a full array of internet-connected devices. This means that anything from mobile phones to tablets can be used to login, making it a breeze to engage with your coursework just about anywhere. Because most courses allow you to login and logout as many times or as often as you like, you can work at your own pace and on your own time.
3. What kinds of defensive driving courses are there?
Ticket School currently has state approved online defensive driving programs in Texas, Florida, Virginia, and New York. The specifics of each course are unique to the state they are approved in. In addition to the various defensive driving courses, Ticketschool also has a variety of other driving courses including, courses like Basic Driver Improvement, Advanced Driver Improvement, and Traffic Law Substance Abuse Education available for registration.
4. Can a defensive driving course lower my insurance costs?
Again the specifics can vary by state laws and by the auto insurance provider. Often taking an online driving course can help to keep your insurance rates from increasing as a result of tickets of by keeping points off your record. This is why it is so important to take a course if given the option to keep your record clean. For people without driving offenses on their records or for people who were not the cause of a driving-related crash, there is also the chance that having an accredited course under your belt will earn you up to a 10% discount. Check with your provider to find out how much you might be able to save.
5. How long are the courses?
Courses vary in length depending on the particular course and the state regulations. For example the Texas course is six hours, while the Florida defensive driving course is only four hours. The majority of online courses, however, do not expect you to be able to endure the entire class in one sitting. All of the Ticketschool courses allow you to log in and out of the courses as needed. So whether you want to complete your course as quickly as is legally possible, or you need more time, the courses allow you to work at your own pace.
6. Are online driving courses state approved?
Some companies may offer online driving courses have not been approved by the appropriate state agency so that you get the proper credit and benefits of the course. However, Ticket School’s courses are all fully approved in each state we operate (Florida, New York, Texas, and Virginia).
7. Is there a final exam on the course?
Again this depends on the course and state regulations, but the majority of our courses do not have a final exam. We prefer to use end of unit quizzes which is helpful because we ask the questions while the information is still fresh in your mind. However, in Virginia for example there is a final exam as required by the DMV.
8. How can I pay for an online driving course?
Our site accepts debit or credit card payments through our safe and secure online portal.
9. Do online courses help with point reduction?
There are courses designed specifically to reduce or prevent points on your driving record. For example, Ticket School offers the IPIRP for residents in New York which can prevent up to 4 points from being counted on your record for further penalty.
10. Can an online course fulfill state misdemeanor requirements?
It will depend on your particular circumstances. You will need to check with your local court or proper state authority to make sure that a particular online driving course will satisfy requirements for your particular driving offense.
Finally, it is important to remember that with Ticket School you are not on your own when it comes to getting the information you need. Our friendly, knowledgeable, US-based customer service team is on hand to answer any of your questions or address other concerns.