Regardless of the subject matter being presented, one of the most important factors for properly retaining information is participant engagement. When it comes to driver improvement courses, good participant engagement is especially crucial because the information presented can help avoid costly, dangerous crashes and even potentially save lives. Yet for busy, tired, or stressed individuals it may be difficult to remain engaged with traditional classroom driving courses. Fortunately Ticket School’s online driver improvement courses are designed to improve participant engagement and make it easy for all course takers to retain the information they need to stay safe behind the wheel.
Ticket School Courses Are Well-Designed and User Friendly
At Ticket School we realize that for online courses one of the most important considerations is that the user interface be intuitive, easy, and pleasant to use. Without a good interface it won’t matter how great the course content is since the participant either won’t be able to access it at all or will already be frustrated by the time they do. That is why we have gone out of our way to ensure that our courses are well-designed and user friendly.
Ticket School Courses Feature Compelling Content
After technical considerations, the next major factor in ensuring participant engagement is of course the content itself. Our courses feature high definition video, quality animations, and most of all information that is presented in a clear, concise, and memorable way. We’ve made it easier than ever for our customers to pay attention and get the most out of their courses without having to sit through long, tedious lectures and dry facts.
Ticket School Courses Can Be Accessed Anywhere at Any Time
Part of the reason our students stay so engaged is because of how easily they can access the course. With Ticket School courses, you are able to login on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. You can login from any location at any time and you can login and logout as many times as needed. This makes it easy for participants to work on their courses whenever they have a break or a little downtime in their days.
Ticket School Courses Feature Brief Quizzes
With the exception of our Virginia Driver Improvement course, which is required by law to have a final exam, Ticket School courses feature brief end-of-unit quizzes instead of large final exams. These quizzes are designed to help boost participant engagement by reinforcing information and prompting critical thinking in a low-stress way. This is in sharp contrast to a major, anxiety-inducing final exam. The knowledge that there will be short quizzes at the end of the units also helps motivate participants to stay focused on the material as they go.
Register Today for Your Ticket School Course Today!
If you’re looking for an online driving course that is engaging, user friendly, and packed with great features and benefits, Ticket School is the company for you. Our courses are fully approved by the state DMVs or other state regulatory agencies and can be completed conveniently according to your own schedule. Registering only takes a few minutes. In fact you are already only a few clicks away from reaping the rewards of a top quality driver improvement course.