TicketSchool > Blog > Florida > How Much Is a Speeding Ticket in Michigan?
Highway traffic patrol car pulls over vehicle on the road

Speeding tickets in Michigan can result in significant financial penalties, and the costs vary depending on several factors. Whether you were driving a few miles over the limit or far above, understanding what influences the total cost of a speeding ticket can help you be better prepared. Let’s explore the various factors that affect the cost and how much you might end up paying if you get caught speeding in Michigan.

What Affects the Cost of a Speeding Ticket in Michigan?

The cost of a speeding ticket in Michigan isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. Multiple factors contribute to how much you’ll end up paying:

  • Speed Over the Limit: One of the biggest factors is how much over the speed limit you were going. Generally, the more you exceed the posted speed limit, the higher the fine.
  • Location: Speeding in certain areas, like school zones or construction zones, can result in higher fines. These areas are considered higher risk, so the penalties for speeding are more severe.
  • Court Fees: Along with the base fine, you may be required to pay additional court fees if your ticket involves a court appearance. Court fees can vary depending on the jurisdiction.
  • Previous Violations: If you have prior traffic offenses, you may face increased fines or additional penalties. Michigan takes repeat offenses seriously, and fines can add up quickly for habitual violators.

How Much Does a Ticket Actually Cost?

A police car has a motorist stopped for a violation. the drivers view from his side mirror

The base fines for speeding tickets in Michigan are fairly straightforward but can vary depending on the specific offense. According to the Branch County District Court guidelines, here’s an idea of what you can expect to pay:

  • 1-5 mph over the limit: $105
  • 6-10 mph over the limit: $115
  • 11-15 mph over the limit: $135
  • School or construction zone: varies; contact the court for details

These amounts do not include court costs or fees, or any additional violations, which can vary depending on the location and situation. Speeding violations can also lead to points being added to your driving record, increasing your insurance premiums over time.

Remove Points with a Michigan Basic Driver Improvement Course

If you’ve received a speeding ticket in Michigan, you may be concerned about the points added to your driving record. Accumulating points can result in higher insurance rates and even license suspension in extreme cases. Fortunately, completing a Michigan Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC) may help you avoid some of these penalties.

After getting a ticket, the court handling your case may give you the option of completing a Michigan Secretary of State (SOS) approved Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC) to keep the ticket from going on your record.  Or if the ticket hits your record, you may also get a letter from the SOS notifying you that you are eligible to complete a Michigan BDIC, such as the one offered by Ticket School, to keep the points from the speeding ticket from going on your record and the ticket from being reported to your insurance company.  This helps maintain lower insurance rates and reduces the long-term impact of a speeding violation. The course is 100% online, making it convenient and flexible to complete on your own schedule.

Don’t let a speeding ticket lead to ongoing costs—enroll with us today and take control of your driving future!